
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Really Great Blog Post

Pin It I was the other day reading away in blogland...looking for inspiration. I don't remember how, but I came across this amazing blog. She had great ideas, great pictures, and her house looked perfect!! Sigh...

While reading her blog I see THIS POST about her real house, real mess, real life. Do you have any idea how good it made me feel to see that this creative woman with a gorgeous house, doesn't always have it picture perfect?! Especially her master closet..I am kind of attached to my slightly messy master closet, it works for me.

I recently read a quote about working so hard to make a perfect house we forget that it's a perfect home. It's a good reminder to me that my house is a haven for my family to live, not a place that must be on the ready at all times in case someone stops by.

Guess what? I have been working on embracing my mess this year! So what if I have a laundry basket of things I found under my bed (things that need new homes) sitting in my master bedroom...I'll get to it eventually. Hey! At least I cleaned under my bed, right? So what if my tupperware isn't perfectly organized? At least I mostly know where it is and can usually find some sort of container when I need it.

Don't get me wrong, I still want a home that is organized to fit our life. I still cleaned out my pantry this week and felt good about myself and am now a tiny bit more organized. But some things can be let go and when I get to them, I get to them.

In the spirit of this post...check out the dust under the console in my living room! Eek! I think I will tackle that today. Eh, or maybe I will go shopping with my family instead, we'll see...

If you want to see even more real life messes, check out THIS linky party. Oh and, I just really don't think I can bring myself to paint that console.

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