
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fabric Wreath

Pin It When my dear friend, Stephanie over at room*6, made one of these adorable fabric wreaths...I loved it! I knew I wanted to try making one of my own and the perfect little spot in Evie's room presented itself for a fabric wreath.

It definitely takes some trial and error getting your strips just right, but I found that I liked my strips about 10 inches long and about 1.5 inches wide. Just use whatever scrap fabric, ribbon, or tulle, that you have on hand...and tie it in knots around a styrofoam wreath. It took me about an hour to make Evie's and she was able to help, a great project to do with your kids.

We utilized a small wall in Evie's room for some corkboards! I don't know about you...but my kids are always hanging things on their walls...holes everywhere! Drives me crazy! These boards were $2.50 from the Target dollarspot. I recovered them in fun fabrics and hung them low so she could easily reach them. I am crossing my fingers this will mean less holes on all the other walls! If you can't beat 'em, join'em, right?!


Stephanie said...

The wreath looks great!

Heather said...

Neat idea for the wreath that even I could do. My mom makes Christmas wreaths that are similar but uses a wooden hoop for embroidery, she puts the fabric through the hoop and that just seems too hard.

I love the fabric colored cork boards and yes the girls are the same way with hanging things on their walls though they use tape. I'm gonna try your idea.

I wish you and Stephanie lived closer!

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